
Tonight in Newcastle |
Teratova [jap] | Spider Goat Canyon [melb] | Drillbit | Cock Safari |
Piglet House | Cnr King St & Wolfe St | 6.30pm | $Free |


ANAL CUM WOLF chris de burgh cassette


| $6.00pp in Australia | Title: Anal Cum Wolf 'Chris de Burgh' | running time 23minutes
| b&w xeroxed cover | 50 recycled single-sided cassettes | released Sep 2010 | grogpappy04
| email: grogpappy(at)gmail.com


The Sunset Flips or the sunsetslips c12

Above the theatre the marquee glowed with a big, bright sign "MAN HATTEN MELODIES" by Kermit The Frog. The name of their show was up in lights, just as they had dreamed. But backstage, things weren't going as well. In fact, they weren't going anywhere. The situation was desperate. First Fozzie had tried to get Kermit to remember his friends by telling him his favourite Fozzie jokes, but Kermit had just smiled politely. "Very amusing, but I really must be off," he said.
Next Gonzo pulled out four balloons, a ukulele, a set of bagpipes, and a tin ear flute. And then he performed Kermit's favourite Gonzo trick. He strummed "Honolulu Harry" on the ukulele while blowing up the balloons with the bagpipes and doing imitation birds calls with the ear flute. "Quite an accurate rendition of a cardinal's call," said Kermit as Gonzo bounced up and down on the wheezing bagpipes and tweeted the ear flute. "An unusual imitation, but quite accurate, nevertheless," he repeated.
Gonzo Gave up.


| $5.00pp in Australia | Title: The Sunset Flips 'Or The Sunsetslips' | running time 12minutes | colour cover
| 20 cassettes| released Aug 2010 | grogpappy03 | email: grogpappy(at)gmail.com

Cock Safari / Rotted Crow split cassette [2009]

First releases by both Cock & Crow. 'We are the Children' is the Cock's loving tribute to the late crowned head of popular music, Michael Jackon. Recorded on the morning that the world was blubbering over the disheartening news of his death. Crow's piece is heavy set of ooh's and ahh's recorded live in front of a more then affectionate and admiring crowd of goons. Thee set features avant-hunkee members of Drillbit, Crab Smasher and Castings.


| $6.00pp in Australia | Title: Cock safari 'We Are The Children' / Rotted Crow live08
running time 36minutes(ish) | handmade covers. each cover is unique | ltd. 50 recycled cassette
| released Oct 2009 | grogpappy02 | email: grogpappy(at)gmail.com